Sweet potato is the food of the types of tubers, in addition to cassava, taro and potatoes that can be directly processed into a variety of snacks that are delicious and tasty. In Indonesia, sweetpotato is very well known by most people. But unfortunately, the sweet potato is not the favorite foods and foods are usually better known as the rural folk. In fact, sweet potatoes contain a variety of excellent nutrition, even if the processing can be creative in a profitable commercial enterprise.
In Bandung, there is a food made from sweet potatoes, which are loved a lot of people. Food is Balls Sweet Madoo. Because it's unique ball shaped like a tennis ball but hollow. While the base ingredients of Madoo because of sweet honey (sweet potato baking) are known to be very sweet.
Sweet Madoo ball was still not familiar foods. However, in Bandung, the food is very popular. In addition to pan and form a unique way, a sense of Ball Sweet Madoo also delicious and crunchy. So that everyone would have tried to addiction.
Well, look at the phenomenon of Sweet Balls Madoo in Bandung, Irwan Tanusolihin, men with experience in the food business, and has some 88 brand outlets toast in Tangerang, interested in developing business in the region Madoo Sweet Balls, Tangerang and several other cities. "At first I was interested to go into this business because they are attracted by the delicious taste, not filling and pan process unique and exciting," said Irwan. Besides, who is also equally important is the potential for big business and easy to obtain their raw materials.
In the near future, it will open two more booths in the Food City Salsa, Gading Serpong and Alam Sutera.
Frying process Madoo Unique Sweet Balls
Sweet ball Madoo - Process Frying pan ProdukProses, stories Irwan, Sweet dough balls Madoo dipulung - pulung of large marbles, then fried in oil. After a somewhat enlarged, raised and then fried again as he pressed - press by using a special spoon. "Well, when the ball is pressed sweet - press with a special spoon, Sweet Balls Madoo will swell, it is repeated - repeat until the ball for a tennis ball madoo sweet and crunchy," paparnya.Tak need beripikir long. After a steady and confident about the potential of Sweet Balls Madoo, in January 2010 Irwan ball was firmly established Ubi booth Madoo in Tangerang. The first booth in front of the store he founded 88 Toast hers. Because Tangerang very good public response, following the next booth booth stand up. Currently there are total in Tangerang has four booths. Apart from in front of Toast 88, also stood in the Old Market area, the modern market and in the Foodcourt BSD Villa Permata, Lippo Karawaci.
Sweet Ball Partnership Madoo
Great potential but has not yet been developed maximally, are examples of products Ball Sweet Madoo. This type of food because there are only in Bandung. Other areas did not exist even know him. Therefore, Irwan see if there is a big business opportunity to introduce Sweet Balls Madoo to various areas through a partnership. "Because a very large business opportunity, given the current sweet ball madoo undeveloped maximally, only in Bandung," said Irwan memitrakan Ball explains why Ubi Madoo.
Sweet Ball Partnership Madoo Irwan offered at a price of Rp 15 million. Price partnerships have been included booths, equipment, raw materials early, uniforms, banners and training of employees. "The concept we offer cooperation in the form of partnership where we will provide materials and training to partners. We do not charge royalties to partners, "he explained.
Irwan asserted, this business has proven profitable. Per booth, he said, was able to sell an average of 200-300 pieces per day, that weekend, omsetnya can usually doubled. If the sale price per fruit Rp 1.250 - Rp 1.500, depending on the location of turnover per month (200pcs @ USD $ 1250 x 30 days), a minimum of USD 7.5 million. After deducting the total expenses for employee salaries, rent, LPG and the monthly cost of raw materials around Rp5, 4 million of the net income earned per booth is Rp 2 million - USD $ 3 million in the calculations are conservative. If the selling price was USD 1.500, profits per month could reach four million, so the return on investment in less than four months, "he said.
Seeing the fact that a profitable business, Irwan optimistic Ball Sweet Madoo will quickly multiply to various places. Until late 2010, the target could be open until 30 booths. But for the initial stage, the focus of development is still in the Greater Jakarta Irwan. "For the first phase we will focus on developing partnerships in Greater Jakarta and surrounding areas," he concluded.
Franchise Info Madoo Sweet Balls
What you get:
Sweet ball Madoo - Gerobak1. Booth with attractive design
2. A complete set of equipment
3. Initial raw material
4. Employee Training
5. Uniform
6. Banner
7. Banner
Partnership process:
1. Fill in the form
2. A description of the partnership
3. Survey location
4. Signing of contracts and investment payments (50%)
5. Making booth
6. Training of employees and the settlement of investment
7. Delivery of equipment and raw materials
8. Opening

For more information please contact the franchisor directly at:
Company Name
Address Jl. A. Yani No. 26, Tangerang Anyar Market
Contact Person Irwan
Phone 0816 1180 747
Email bolaubimadoo@yahoo.com
Website http://www.bolaubimadoo.com
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