Success Background Orchi
Food fried chicken business opportunities open very wide, fried chicken favored various circles of society from children to adults. It's a business opportunity that there is no death because food has become a popular alternative to the Indonesian community. Able to daily food needs, or providing food for a specific event, such as: child's birthday events, meetings, joint iftar, the event study of mothers and other household. Even at times when the date / particular month, the business turnover of fried chicken can be increased by 2x to 4x fold compared with the days generally, suppose, when the fasting month before Lebaran or three days after Idul Fitri. Not to mention the chance of getting orders fried chicken boxes rice in large quantities for special occasions, such as birthdays of children, teaching, meetings and so forth.
Eko is the wild side Arif Setiawan, an Indonesian young entrepreneurs who succeeded in creating and establishing brand prescription Orchi Original Fried Chicken, and has since been able to bring Orchi into four major islands in Indonesia, raising the spirit Orchi to the entire country of Indonesia and help make entrepreneurs new independent.
With a business motto Orchi:
Not just a desire, it takes FAITH.
Persistence is not just, it takes ingenuity.
Not just courage, it takes foolhardiness.
Not just a discovery, but had made as The Next ORCHI
KING his Fried Chicken in Indonesia.
And participates produce Million purse for partners
and make ORCHI entrepreneurship as a solution for them.
Vision & Mission Orchi
"Our purpose is to help candidates to become new entrepreneurs
Because of reasons above, Arif Eko Setiawan (Orchi owner) set up operations and provide an alternative to your Business Package Orchi Original Fried Chicken, to make you a businessman who Mandiri with science is taught, not 100% tied to franchisees, and save money on your investment !
Excess Orchi your entrepreneurship as a Solution
Orchi Indonesia was the best alternative in the food business with a kind
popular communities, affordable cost, attractive design, original flavor of spices and halal.
Orchi Original Fried Chicken provide a package FULL of fried chicken prepared by business
quite affordable which will generate approximately Rp 5.000.000, - per month. New revenue
for you, just by selling 10 chickens per day.
Enterprises belonging to fried chicken business in great demand. In addition to the promising benefits,
investment required for food fried chicken franchise business is also quite affordable.
Not until tens of millions of dollars, you can become an entrepreneur who fried chicken
ready to take the profit from this business. Just a little glimpse, in this business,
Income 3 million rupiah per month you can get only selling five chickens per day for
1 month. Easy is not it? Therefore quite interested in this business entrepreneurs of SMEs in Indonesia.
By joining Orchi Original Fried Chicken, you will also gain margin
Big profits!
Orchi Original Fried Chicken provide alternative business needs fried chicken in Indonesia,
in the hope that entrepreneurs can generate new fried chicken that is able to
generate greater benefits if you are partnered with Orchi Fried Chicken.
This is because you will be equipped sciences fried chicken as a business secret
- Technics of the most effective and easy to be produced as closely as possible a sense of Original
Fried Chicken and the tricks of fried chicken
- Able to produce their own flour fried chicken, so that production costs can be minimized
- How to save the cost of chicken and tricks to get fresh chicken
- Marketing that will boost your business
- And a variety of other fried chicken business tricks that will equip you to become entrepreneurs
fried chicken next success.
Brand Orchi Indonesia has also been officially registered with the Directorate General of
Intellectual Property Rights with No. Agenda D00-2010-013349.
Thus, as a franchisee you will be protected by an umbrella
law guaranteed by the Indonesian government from the parties
damage the credibility of your business by committing crimes of plagiarism
Investment Package Orchi
Complete Business Package LUX Fried Chicken
Investment: Rp 8.000.000, -
Equipment you get:
• a set of fried chicken & training (cooking, entrepreneurship, marketing)
• 1 showcase LUX Orchi Fried Chicken, size: 1.5 x 0.6 x 1.7 m
• Tools outlets:
- Neon Boxes + Digital Print
1.5 x 0.7
- A large gas stove

- 1 3 kg gas cylinder
- A large frying pan
- A hose regulator
- A stainless sodet
- A stainless steel strainer
- A copper knife
- A wooden cutting board
- Two large basins
- A small basin
- A sieve flour
- A plastic drinks cup cc
- A scale Royale
- A tupperware 50 ltr
- A large brace
- 1 small clamp
- A large plastic wrap
- A small plastic wrap
- 100 cartons
- 500 wrappers
- 10 sets of seasoning powder
(For 60 kg of flour fried
- 6 kg of flour fried chicken
- 120 pcs sauce
- 8 ltr of tropical oils
- A large ice box
- 2000 pieces of promotional brochures
- 2 x 1-meter banner
- Chicken 5 tails
- 2 pcs employee uniforms
Complete Business Package Exclusive Fried Chicken
Investment: Rp 9,000,000, -
Equipment you get:
• a set of fried chicken & training (cooking, entrepreneurship,
• Tools outlets: - same as the LUX package -
• 1 showcase Exclusive Orchi Fried Chicken
The difference lies in:
satainless spotlights, neonbox top-lumbai lumbai over full &
exclusive, the light variations in the orange-lumbai lumbai, more
neat and exclusive to the left and bottom right picture.
Conditions of Registration By Orchi
1. Business intentions
2. Venture capital
3. Focus
4. Place of business
5. Following standardization and forms of cooperation have been established
Partnership Procedure Orchi
1. Fill out the registration form, plus included photographs and a photocopy of identity card
2. Fill out questionnaires containing questions about the applicant himself, the image location, workforce preparation, etc.
3. Approval of cooperation
4. The execution:
Long process of working two weeks after training
5. Delivery process:
All fees charged to the buyer package delivery business. Long delivery process adapted
with customer demand. Express shipping is more expensive than regular.
- Region JABODETABEK using a local courier with Daihasu Pick Up vehicles, scale
Direct costs paid by the customer to the driver concerned expedition.
- Region of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Madura and Bali using a scale expedition service cost
delivery in accordance with the appointment of the expedition.
6. Payment
How To: Transfer
BCA: 084 2222 531
On behalf of: Arif Eko Setiawan
7. Business training options
- Training for free, directly at the central office (Jl Raya Pulogebang No. 43 Jakarta 13 950)
- Training for free long distance using the module, email, video, direct tel.
8. Support System
Raw materials ordering and questions, direct Telephone number 021 - 9348 9359 (No SMS)
8:00 a.m. to 17:00 pm Monday - Saturday
9. Good luck with you ....
For more information please contact the franchisor directly at:
Company Name ORCHI INDONESIA GROUP Pulogebang Jl.Raya Address No.43 Jakarta 13 950 Contact Person Mrs. Liana Telephone 021 9348 9359 Fax 0214809962 Email cyberlink_group@ymail.com Website http://www.orchi-indonesia.com
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