Friday, July 2, 2010



Mimimum Capital Rp. 10.000.000,-

What Is Jarimatika


Numeracy practice with Easy and Fun


    * Our children do not like math?

    * Our children are difficult to understand numbers and numbers?

    * Our children are reluctant to learn to count?

Some of us had ever experienced the same thing, right? Though we also know that the arithmetic and mathematics is essential to master our children. So two things that often arises is:

        *          Your lack of patience (on the child and parents)

        *          The process forced - forced (which is very unpleasant on both sides)

Jarimatika introduced to the children that mathematics (especially arithmetic), it was fun. And in a joyful process that led to the child could count correctly and skillful.


Jarimatika is a way of counting (the operating time-Added-For-Less) using your fingers.

What is the value of rest?

        * Apples in The Wonderland is always available and need not be purchased

        * Apples in The Wonderland will never miss or confiscated during exams

        * No incriminating brain by shadow memory

        * Exciting and also ... EASY!


Deposits began to appear like the old question why children should be banned from using calculators? Why is there a teacher who forbade his students to use the finger as calculating tool but allows the use of the stick? Should children be encouraged to fast arithmetic? Etc.

We saw not just a way Jarimatika counting. Jarimatika more a parent communication tool to children. Jarimatika is a simple and fun way to teach basic arithmetic to children according to the rule:

        * Starting with the first correct the hang of the concept of number, symbol numbers, and basic arithmetic operations.

        * Only then taught how to count with your fingers.

        * Prosenya initiated, conducted and concluded with joy.

What is the value of rest?

        *          Simple

        *          Tools are always available and need not be purchased

        *          Tools will never miss or confiscated during exams

        *          No incriminating brain with the shadow memory (as is often perceived as finished playing the game Tetris)

        *          And it turns out well ... EASY

Such things as ease parents need to teach to the son-daughter.


We have a principle that parents are teachers first and foremost for the fruit of his heart. So parents, especially mothers should be smart and mastered many sciences for the advancement of their child.

Training activities for our parents also began to prepare. There are various levels of training as follows:

        *          Jarimatika training for parents

        *          Advanced training for parents Jarimatika

        *          Basic training for teachers / managers unit

        *          Secondary teacher training for managers / unit

        *          Advanced training for teachers / managers unit

        *          Training for Trainers (Training for Trainers)

        *          The training begins with the first trial to some of the parents in one of the TPA (Garden of the Holy Qur'an Education), which incidentally many of them who work as carpenters vegetables, laundry workers, and some housewives who could not send their their children to kindergarten because of economic conditions is not possible. The result was so encouraging, these mothers jarimatika easily master the science and practice immediately with their children so that their children are greatly helped in mastering the science of jarimatika is easy and fun.

Over time, more and more mothers who wish to undertake training Jarimatika, because besides getting Jarimatika science they also get the science of parenting patterns, so they can educate their children with more ease and fun.

Alhamdulillah community responses to Jarimatika very good, especially after an article appeared in Tempo Magazine Jarimatika and telecast on Trans TV adds intense public curiosity about Jarimatika, thus making one of the television media abroad and some who have wanted to cover the activities Jarimatika.

From the passage of events, there is a friend who has a book publishing institution (Publisher Kawan Pustaka) encouraged to publish the book Jarimatika. We are delighted to welcome him. One strong impetus when it was thought to have organized the book is very simple and easily understood and used by parents. So what emerges is the following criteria: thin (not many pages), provide a large portion to the picture (visualization), persedikit words and sentences in the explanation, prepare training sheet.

Praise be the first book Jarimatika Addition and Reduction get a good response. I am grateful. The urge to write a lainpun increases. Thus was born the following books:

        * Jarimatika multiplication and division (Publisher Kawan Pustaka)

        * AbacaBaca (Publisher Kawan Pustaka, easy and fun way to train children to read; once again this is to trace the process undertaken by NS)

        * Calistung (Publisher Kawan Pustaka, exercise book for learning to write)

        * Book Star (motivation guidebook for children, not yet published)

        * Songs and Games Jarimatika (containing songs and games in learning and teaching Jarimatika, not yet published)

        * Songs and Games AbacaBaca (containing songs and games in learning and teaching AbacaBaca, not yet published)

Besides writing books, we also began to design tools for learning and AbacaBaca Jarimatika. Our production process entrusted to the mother-housewife. They get the image patterns and shapes merangkaikannya props later became a teaching aid, of any props they get extra income of about Rp. 5000 - USD 15 000 / visual aids, in accordance with kerumitannnya level.

In an average day they could finish around 1-3 props, and they were doing at home while watching the process of playing pieces of their hearts. This process of increasing the wealth of our experience. Interactions with the mother led to the emergence of the next ideas such as that found mothers who have the income level of confidence has a better and positive thinking. The challenge is how it remains in line with the educational process and responsibilities of the mother in the family?

There are other interesting effects of Jarimatika. Following the experience of users Jarimatika:

        * Increase self-esteem of the housewife, that they are doing is very noble work, with jarimatika than can educate the children, they can also generate revenue.

        * The visually impaired can learn math more easily using Jarimatika (experience of a teacher in Ciputat SLB)

        * People with autism like mempelajri counting using Jarimatika (Ibu Heni experience Bekasi)

        * Child SLB students learn math more easily using Jarimatika (SLB teacher experience in Rancaekek)

For more information please contact the franchisor directly at:

Address Jl. Complex Katamso Brigjend KAPIS SQUARE No. 4 52 111 Tegal
Contact Person 081542065668
Telephone (0283) 340666
Fax (0283) 340666
Email @

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