Friday, July 2, 2010



 Minimum Capital US$ 168,000

Franchise Information
Since the era of the 1990s, Pizza into a lot of foods liked by all levels of society in Indonesia. So it is not surprising that business growth is also increasingly Pizza restaurants mushrooming everywhere. This certainly is not no pay - attention by Papa Ron's Pizza to expand its business with a franchise system (franchise). This system is the recommended way for beginners who want to try to do business, especially restaurants, because the franchise business are not at higher risk. Especially if you can choose a franchise that has a good reputation and high quality like Papa Ron's Pizza. Papa Ron's Pizza is one of the local franchise which started business in 2000 and began memwaralabakan brand since 2002, until now, Papa Ron's Pizza has opened 43 outlets throughout Indonesia where six of them belong to PT.Eatertainment and the rest are franchises.

With an average initial investment of U.S. $ 168000-270000 and franchise fee of U.S. $ 1,000 and the Development Contribution of U.S. $ 25,000. For his royalty fee will be deducted from the sales turnover of 5% per month. Terms of the recommended area of our building is 250 m - 350 m either dipertokoan or owned buildings. If you can meet the above requirements then you already can have one restaurant that has good quality products with international standard as well as its human resources, because we always mentraining all employees to have the same standard in accordance with a predetermined standard. For more information about franchise info please contact:

Bapak Noragraito
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C 46 – 48 Jakarta Selatan
No Telepon : 021 7591 5031 / 32
Fax : 021 75915029 

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